Significance of Information and Communication Technology in Professional Development

Significance of Information and Communication Technology in Professional Development

Emphasis on Improving Quality of Education with special reference to Information Technology in The Education Policy, 2018 has implied the importance of Information and Communication Technology in teacher training. The spotlights in this regard being:

National Policy on Education, 2016
(Recommendations 5.2.38)

National Policy on Education, 2016
(Recommendations 5.2.38)

National Policy on Education, 2016

 (Recommendations 5.2.38)

Below are listed some ICT tools available and the ways to explore them. You can add more tools to this list.
             ICT tools
Description of the tools
Ways to use the tools
Word processors

This is a website where you can find a lot of information on different topics.
You need to go to and then type the information you are looking for.

It is a search engine used to search for information on the world wide web.
You need to go to and then type the word what you are looking for.

It is an online, freely accessible search engine that lets users look for both physical and digital copies of articles.
You need to go to and then search for books and articles

It is a video sharing website. Using a right video for a lesson can be enhanced with the use of a right video.
You need to go to
ICT tools
Audio recording

These tools help teachers to record, store, retrieve and share voice easily.
You can click on for recording voice.
Voice thread

It is a free tool to upload documents, pictures, video and other digital media and then a voice recording.
You can click on for transforming media into a collaborative space.

It is a free blogging tool which one can use to keep diaries, write stories, reflect and facilitate online discussion and collaboration.
You can click on to get videos to use blogger.


It is also a free blogging tool but slightly sophisticated than blogger.
You can click on to get videos to use WordPress

These are websites built by a group rather than individuals. It allows collaborative writing experience.
You can click on to get videos to use PB Wiki
Concordance software
British National Corpus,

These are websites for spoken and written language. These programs help us to find examples of authentic language, provide us with a list of key words, collocations, etc. and help us identify examples of particular grammatical patterns.
You click on and look for a particular word.

     Click on the links to explore some of the online resources available on teaching and learning of English language:
             Internet is flooded with resources on teaching and learning of English language but before using a material in the classroom, it is important to analyze the quality and usefulness of the resources. A teacher should be able to evaluate and adapt the materials according to the needs of the learners. A teacher should keep the following criteria under consideration while selecting the materials for a class.
·       The material should be authentic. The language used in the material should be natural.
·       The materials used should be relevant and must match the needs of the learners.
·       The teacher should be able to design tasks and interesting activities to develop the not only the literacy skills but also critical thinking and interpersonal skills as well.
·       The material should pose challenge and should have updated information. The level of difficulty of the material should be a little beyond his or her current level of competence.    


Chakrakodi, R. (2016). Learn English Teach English. Navi Mumbai: Oxford.
Development, M. o. (2016). National Policy on Education 2016. Government of India.


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